Commitment. The idea of the foundation and the direction takes the soul to engage every day. The passion I have for our First Responders, engaging them daily, being there for them, showing them the opportunity for bonding each day; no matter the way you feel or want to be. The Driver is always in the seat and always taking the lead.
Support comes at all times of the day. The Support helps the Driver stay "awake", avoiding obstacles, clearing the road and even providing the direction. Giving the Driver "support" your functionally engaged each and every day, not to take away the goal but to help along the path.
Knowing the where we have been is the foundation for Wisdom. Giving the Driver the background so as to not waste time on roads already traveled but to give insight on the way forward. Providing balance to the decisions of the Driver and giving advice to the support is important. Wisdom provides patience and calmness in decisions and growth will attained when Wisdom is present.
Youth is energy for the future. It is the balance of scales. It is so important for success of your goal. Without youth, purpose is lost. Maintain the support of youth, engage them in your mission and guarantee longevity of your organization.
In order to carry the mission forward, troops on the ground is essential. They are your fuel, your energy. Each direction you move towards, each idea that needs to be brought to life is engaged upon by the Labor. The Labor are your heart, the pulse and should be taken care of. If the Labor is not thriving, check with Wisdom as to why and have wisdom advise the support.
As the organization grows its important to keep the mission at the focus point and have all parts supporting this. Follow through assist this forward motion, closing loops, lending assistance and helping with the puzzle pieces that are left on the table.